My fascination with cameras and photography has been a life long journey. Along the way, I have attempted to suspend time, place, and emotion with my camera.
From my perspective, every photograph exhibits two realities. The first and most obvious is the physical reality of the image captured by the camera. The second is the emotional reality, which is the feeling evoked by the image. The photographer can bias either of these realities in the final interpretation of the subject. It is my desire to create an emotional impact on the viewer.
The images in my portfolio reflect my genuine interests and values in life. My compositions tend to be very simple and focus on things often overlooked or taken for granted. I strive to be a faithful visual recorder of the world around me. The world is dynamic and constantly changing. That change can occur over many years, or in just a few brief moments. As a visual recorder, I believe those changes should be recorded accurately.
While many of my images are created in a digital format, I do not use technology to create something that I did not see. My use of technology is limited to what would routinely be done in a traditional wet darkroom photo process.